live cd peach OSI TV issues — Peach OSI\\\\\\\'s Forum


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live cd peach OSI TV issues

Hello. I have been running peach osi on 2 of my spare computers for about 3 weeks now and they are running excellent.
The issue I am having right now is getting Peach TV to run on my Dell laptop,,live CD only. While everything loads up,it will not recognize my wi fi network, Peach OSI Network works fine,, but I was wondering why the TV version will not .


  • Hi Chuck,

    First and foremost make sure that you are running Peach TV live on a 64bit machine. If you know what your CPU is (make and model) you can Google that make and model to find out if it is 64bit ready.

    I double checked that I could boot live with a USB drive and had no trouble connecting via WIFI while in the live boot setup. The second thing to make sure of is that you downloaded the md5 checksum file available here for Peach TV and run an md5 hash check to make sure that your ISO download is genuine, complete and accurate. If you don't have a hash checking program - for Peach OSI - you can go into the software download center and search for and install a program called GtkHash. If you are on a Windows machine you can download a free md5 program here. If your serious about running Peach TV live I'd suggest running it on a USB drive instead of a DVD. I use Yumi Mutiboot from available here. (It's a free download also) If you do install Peach TV to a USB drive inside Yumi Multiboot be sure to give Peach TV at least 2GB of persistence inside of the Yumi Multiboot program. You will need at least an 8GB flash drive. This will not only give Peach TV a place to store your WIFI information but it will remember those settings for subsequent startups. Booting from a USB stick will also be much faster than from a DVD. Installing any ISO on a DVD can be temper mental sometimes with some machines and with some programs. Always be sure to check the DVD after the installation process is complete. (Most ISO programs have the check feature built in) Peach TV is a fairly large ISO and its contents are very hardware concentric - meaning that it has a lot of setup information for many different kinds of monitors, TV's, remote controls, etc. and most of those hardware items are discovered and configured during an actual install so more than likely you may have some issues trying to run Peach TV live, no matter what you do. In order for Peach TV to work on the greatest number of possible HTPC hardware setups - Peach TV needed a lot of additional hardware capabilities - the fact that you can run Peach OSI's other flavors without such issues is of no surprise. Peach TV is a different animal altogether. Peach TV therefore is not really built for running live. It will do it - but you may have issues especially with non- standard hardware such as televisions that needs to be setup during the install process. I tell everyone to try to install every piece of hardware that you want to use with Peach TV prior to installing it. It's much easier to let Peach TV pre-configure everything as it installs rather than trying to get everything working afterwards.

    I hope this helps - let me know either way...
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